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Don’t Take Xanax, Take This Instead

Dr Sal

Nov 29, 2023

The Health Quest Podcast with Dr. Blue Zone.

Are you tired of mood swings, depression, and anxiety ruling your life?

Are you tired of mood swings, depression, and anxiety ruling your life? 

On today’s episode of the Health Quest podcast, we’re talking about Lithium Orotate: the natural mood stabilizer.

Dr. Sal explores the benefits of this incredible substance, which is 20 times more bioactive than other lithium salts. Lithium Orotate has been traditionally used to treat bipolar disorder, but it offers so much more. It fights depression, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps stabilize your mood. Additionally, it boosts cognition, memory, concentration, and learning abilities and has shown potential in protecting brain cells and fighting Alzheimer’s.

If you have ever struggled with mood swings, depression, or migraines, Lithium Orotate might be worth considering as a natural and safe alternative. Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health, and finding a balance in both areas is crucial for overall well-being.

Key takeaways:

1. Natural Mood Stabilizer: Lithium Orotate helps fight depression, reduce stress and anxiety, and stabilize mood, without the need for pharmaceutical medications like Xanax or Valium.

2. Cognitive Enhancement: This powerful supplement improves memory, concentration, and learning abilities. It also increases dopamine levels, the neurotransmitter responsible for motivation and reward, naturally elevating mood and overall well-being.

3. Brain Health Booster: Research suggests that Lithium Orotate may play a role in protecting brain cells, making it a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s. It inhibits enzymes linked to neurofibrillary tangles and acts as an effective aluminum chelator, reducing harmful effects on brain tissue.

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00:00 Causes of mood swings, depression, mania, and migraines.

05:11 Lithium Aortate inhibits cross-linkage, benefits mood.

07:51 Lithium and its variations for mood disorders.

12:04 Lithium reduces brain inflammation and improves symptoms.

14:09 Lithium orotate: natural help for anxieties.

Full Transcript

Dr. Sal [00:00:00]:

This is what's causing you, to have these mood swings, the depression, the mania, particularly with bipolar. And I believe that it's also helpful for patients who have migraines because migraines, we talked about in one of the previous podcast, it's a short circuiting of the brain. Welcome to the Healthquest Podcast, your guide to God's will for good health. Hello. My name is doctor Dale, I've been a practicing surgeon for well over 30 years, and my goal for each episode is that you'll be able to have your mind transformed to God's design for good health, in a way affect the way you eat and the way you live. If you're new here, we release a new episode every week. And if you enjoy the content, would you leave us a good review? Because it really helps our ratings, and it allows us to reach more people, which in turn can help them as far as their health. We'd like to thank you for your support.

Dr. Sal [00:01:09]:

And on today's episode, we'll be talking about Lithium Orotate. So let's dive right into today's Healthquest podcast. Lithium orotate is a lithium salt that's 20 times more bioactive than any other lithium salts. Lithium carbonate has been used for years to treat bipolar or what is known as manic depressive disorders. So Orotate is an organic carrier that transports the natural lithium such that it reaches the brain more effectively. Therefore, less is needed and there's no side effects associated with it. On top of that, that's much more natural. The benefits, well it fights depression, reduces stress and anxiety, and it helps stabilize your mood.

Dr. Sal [00:02:00]:

So in essence, lithium orotate is a natural mood stabilizer. That's great because now you don't have to take any of the other Xanax some Librium, or even Valium to help improve your your your moods. It also increases cognition by improving your memory and concentration, and it improves your learning abilities too as well. It also increases dopamine levels, which is a neural transmitter. Now dopamine is involved in your motivation and reward system. This is known as the addictive neurotransmitter. Because any drug that you do increases dopamine, that's what makes you feel good, makes you feel motivated, makes you feel overall euphoric, and that's why people keep going back to doing those drugs. Well, here's a way to do something naturally without taking those drugs.

Dr. Sal [00:02:54]:

And so once you start taking it, the effects are noticeable within a few weeks. And actually, the benefits increase over time. You start off with 5 milligrams and each week, you increase it until you get up to 25 milligrams per day. Once you start feeling good at 25 milligrams and you get to feel those positive effects, then you slowly decrease it back down, again over time. Doctor Linda Fugate, she's a PhD that reported a research team at Wayne State University of Medicine here in Detroit, Michigan showed how lithium actually helps protect brain cells and could be a potential agent in the treatment of Alzheimer's. It's believed that the expression of a gene b c l two protects brain. Now remember when I say expression of a gene, I'm talking about this gene getting turned on and producing proteins. In this particular case, whatever proteins that this gene b c l two produces helps to protect brain cells from injuries.

Dr. Sal [00:04:02]:

So lithium is the 1st substance shown to increase the concentration of BCL 2 expression in brain tissue. So it actually stimulates that part of the gene to be, to produce and make this particular protein that protects the brain. It's also been shown that GSK three B, an enzyme, participates in the production of neurofibrillary tangles, which is a key feature found in Alzheimer's patients. The beauty of lithium dearly is that it inhibits that particular enzyme so that it doesn't form these tangles or these, fibril, tentacles that bind to the brain tissue and causes damage which results in Alzheimer's. The other benefit too with the lithium orotate is that it's an effective aluminum chelator. Chelation means claw. It binds to aluminum and pulls that heavy metal out of your body. We're showing now that aluminum has some detrimental effects to the brain tissue as well.

Dr. Sal [00:05:11]:

And what's more is that Lithium Aortate is a cross linkage inhibitor. Now remember, AEGIS, we talked about this for ages is a, an acronym for advanced glycosylated end products. And what this is is that when we consume too much sugar, the sugar starts to coat itself over proteins and that's what glycosylates or cross links them so that protein is unable to work, especially if it's bound to your DNA so that's why excess sugar is bad for you however lithium helps to protect that cross linkage from happening. Now again, like everything else, that doesn't mean you could go ahead and take lithium orotate and go ahead and eat as much sugars you want. The objective is is to get that balanced diet look we're talking about and take these supplements to help improve, your overall functions at the cellular level in your body. It's been noted in El Paso, Texas that it has the highest concentration of lithium in their drinking water. And actually, ladies and gentlemen, what's fascinating is that El Paso, Texas has the lowest mental illness in the entire United States. Isn't it fascinating that now we could take something that you can get over the counter or basically we get it online that can actually help you improve your mood, help you with depression.

Dr. Sal [00:06:36]:

Doctor Hans Naper out of Germany stressed how the primary function of lithium is to restore the proper electrical membrane potential. Now what that means is that these membrane potentials have to be balanced it's like electrical signals being sent through a wiring if you have excess current going through the wires or the wires get short circuited, then whatever whatever, machinery or furnace or whatever you've got going on, fan, doesn't work properly because of the short circuiting. It's the same thing with the neurologic system. If your brain is short circuiting, this is what's causing you to have these mood swings, the depression, the mania particularly with bipolar. And I believe that it's also helpful for patients who have migraines. Because migraines, we talked about in one of the previous podcast, it's a short circuiting of the brain. And so here's another potential for lithium to to help these individuals. And we know that the lithium salts have been used for well over a half a century, particularly addressing a lot of psychiatric manifestations of bipolar.

Dr. Sal [00:07:51]:

And that lithium was lithium carb, carbonate, and that was the most commonly administered for individuals to, deal with the, mass movements in mood from the manic state to depressive state and back, to the manic state. So lithium carbonate was most effective for preventing these mood episode recurrences and maintaining the individual at a euthymic phase, in other words, at a much more steady phase. However, with the, advent of the newer medications, the usage of lithium carbonate has declined. However, in more recent, years, Lithium Aortate, being that it's more natural and having less side effects, is now starting to be utilized as opposed to Lithium Carbonate. So what are some of the underlying causes of the bipolar disorders? And we note that circadian clock dysfunction occurs and that's where your circadian rhythms are being thrown off, you can't sleep properly, and so that can also add to migraine headaches and the mood swings. I mean, even if you're a normal individual, if you don't get a good night's sleep, you're gonna pretty much your well, the next following day. These individuals have catecholamine excess, and that could be in the manic state where your adrenal glands are putting out all that adrenaline and cortisol, and you get you're so hyper, and then all of a sudden that crashes and now you have a deficiency or dysfunction, and now that's when you go into the depressed state. A serotonin dysregulation.

Dr. Sal [00:09:37]:

Gotta remember, if you don't have enough serotonin, you become depressed and that's where, serotonin reuptake inhibitors come in, which work as antidepressants. But over time, it wears out the serotonin production, and so it works counterproductively over a long term. So serotonin, dysregulation is commonly seen in individuals with bipolar. We also note inflammation, again, that famous word inflammation, which is the underlying cause to a lot of disorders. Individuals, who have bipolar or have neural inflammation, so a lot of inflammation taking place in the brain, irritating the brain which causes that short circuiting. The other thing is is that the neurologic, tissue also produces these neurotrophic factors. And these factors or chemicals help to maintain normal function of the cells in patients with bipolar disorder have a deficiency in these neurotrophic, neurotrophic factors. So the 2 underlying causes that contribute can, chemically to bipolar disorder are the abnormal increases or the increased actions of 2 particular enzymes GSK 3 Beta in INP ACE.

Dr. Sal [00:11:01]:

Now, we see in this diagram that lithium reduces the effects of these 2 enzymes. So let's go over them. Let's talk about GSK 3 Beta. This enzyme disrupts the circadian clock which affects an individual sleep pattern. Again, if you're not sleeping well, you're gonna get irritable and over time, this contributes more to the underlying disorder of the mood swings that we see in by, in, bipolar patients. In particular, the excess GSK 3 beta increases mania like hyperactivity. It also reduces or decreases the production of neurotrophic factors such as brain derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF. So c s k 3 beta also activates cytokines, which are pro inflammatory mediators, which then affects the brain and nerve tissue there again.

Dr. Sal [00:12:04]:

So it's decreasing this brain neurotrophic factor, which is necessary for normal functioning of the brain, and it increases these so called inflammatory mediators causing more inflammation to the brain in doing more harm to the brain tissue. So let's talk about the 2nd enzyme, which is I m p ase. And an increase in this activity of this enzyme causes altered levels of BRAIN and isotol, which is a is a basically, like, a glycosylated protein, which is actually beneficial. However, if you produce too much of this or not enough, it's been observed in bipolar patients and can cause these mood swings. Lithium, as we see in the diagram, also inhibits the iMP ace activity. So as we see in the diagram, it decreases the activity of these 2 enzymes and reduces inflammation to the brain, which then helps to improve these symptoms that are associated with bipolar depression. It helps patients with dementia and Alzheimer's. It can help individuals with migraine headaches.

Dr. Sal [00:13:16]:

So we now have a natural substance that can get over, that you again, that we said that can you can get over the counter, but more than likely, you can purchase it over the Internet. When I say over the counter, it's not something that you're gonna go pick up at your local pharmacy, but you can get it at the health food stores. And but for the most part, a lot of people get this stuff off the Internet. And there's different brands, but they all pretty much work the same. It is just a natural products that help reduce your mood swings. And as we said, if we benefit from taking it, there's no detrimental side effects to it. I love the idea of taking lithium amortate even for people just as we get older and we have tendency to worry about things. This also has a calming effect raises those dopamine that make us feel better.

Dr. Sal [00:14:09]:

And so lithium orotate, God's natural product and substance to help in and reduce some of these anxieties and mood swings that we have, preventing us from having to take any of these pharmaceutical prescriptive medications. So with that, I'd like to thank you for watching our show. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a good review, and visit our website and social media accounts to connect with us more. If you happen to have any questions about your health regarding this episode, my email will be in the description below, and I'll be happy to answer any of your questions. And if you'd like to see any of these sources of research that we used in this episode, they'll be available in the show notes in the description. Until next time. I'm doctor Sal. Have a great day, and God bless.

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Medical Disclaimer. I am a retired with well over 30 years of medical and surgical experience. I am not here to give medical advice but attempting to change lifestyle habits that restore your overall health. I advise that you consult with your physician, when undertaking any lifestyle change.

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